Edit Registry Windows Server 2012 R2 To Maintain Smb Connections For Mac Os

For more info about SMB Scale-Out, see and the blog post. Performance counters for SMB 3.0 The following SMB performance counters were introduced in Windows Server 2012, and they are considered a base set of counters when you monitor the resource usage of SMB 2 and higher versions. Log the performance counters to a local, raw (.blg) performance counter log. It is less expensive to collect all instances by using the wildcard character (*), and then extract particular instances during post-processing by using Relog.exe. • SMB Client Shares These counters display information about file shares on the server that are being accessed by a client that is using SMB 2.0 or higher versions. If you' re familiar with the regular disk counters in Windows, you might notice a certain resemblance. That' s not by accident.

These actions should be performed on all file servers and domain controllers to which legacy versions of clients are connected. SMB 1.0 in Windows Server 2016 In Windows Server 2016, support for SMB 1.0 on the client side is also enabled as a separate feature, which can be found in the Add/Remove Features Wizard. This component is also called SMB 1.0 / CIFS File Sharing Support. You can disable SMB v1 and completely remove the component with the commands: Remove-WindowsFeature FS-SMB1 sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb20/nsi sc.exe config mrxsmb10 start= disabled.

Recipes for baked mac and cheese with bread crumbs. The 'Deny log on locally' user right defines accounts that are prevented from logging. Medium Active directory user accounts, including administrators, must be configured to require the use of a Common Access Card (CAC), PIV-compliant hardware token, or Alternate Logon Token (ALT) for user authentication.

Or, you can use the declared values and go through the steps as an exercise. • Open your PowerShell console with elevated privileges, and log in to your Azure account. This cmdlet prompts you for the login credentials. After logging in, it downloads your account settings so that they are available to Azure PowerShell. If you are not running PowerShell locally and are instead using the Azure Cloud Shell 'Try it' in the browser, you can skip to step 2 of this section. Connect-AzureRmAccount • Get a list of your Azure subscriptions.

Network Level Authentication (NLA) is a new protocol implemented since Windows Vista in Remote Desktop to provide more secure connections where NLA will authenticate the user prior to a full remote desktop connection being established. Sep 13, 2018  For Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012 Note When you enable or disable SMBv2 in Windows 8 or in Windows Server 2012, SMBv3 is also enabled or disabled.

Casper implications aside, I've resorted to the position of: 'it's an industry wide problem that's been around for years and none of the hundreds of reported fixes are reliable' and the only real solution is ExtremeZ-IP; which no one want's to pay the premium for. It's high, but I'd happily pay it to make this nonsense disappear. We took this issue to our named Apple SE last month, who connected us with a consultant. He would not entertain troubleshooting with anything below 10.9 (900 machines in my case!). And after running a variety of packet traces with 10.9/SMB2, he then asked us to test with the new public beta as: 'there is reason to believe Yosemite may improve your experience'. Just yesterday as I was looking for additional reports of the 'Windows deduplication permissions bug' (have you seen that yet?

SMB Direct is not required in any SMB configuration, but it' s always recommended for those who want lower latency and lower CPU utilization. For more info about SMB Direct, see. SMB Multichannel SMB Multichannel allows file servers to use multiple network connections simultaneously and provides increased throughput. For more info about SMB Multichannel, see. SMB Scale-Out SMB Scale-out allows SMB 3.0 in a cluster configuration to show a share in all nodes of a cluster. This active/active configuration makes it possible to scale file server clusters further, without a complex configuration with multiple volumes, shares and cluster resources. The maximum share bandwidth is the total bandwidth of all file server cluster nodes.

For this reason, this policy must never be enabled. High Autoplay must be disabled for all drives. Allowing Autoplay to execute may introduce malicious code to a system. Autoplay begins reading from a drive as soon media is inserted into the drive.


Improper configuration can permit access to devices and data beyond. Low Event Viewer Events.asp links must be turned off. Viewing events is a function of administrators, who must not access the internet with privileged accounts. This setting will disable Events.asp hyperlinks in Event Viewer to prevent links to the.

This protects critical. Low A screen saver must be defined.

Prior to disabling SMBv1, we have been “hardening” SMB to prevent SMB relay attacks: Microsoft network server: Server SPN target name validation level We configured this group policy as ‘Required from client’ across all Windows boxes in our domain without issue. Group Policy: Computer Configuration Policies Windows Settings Security Settings Local Policies Security Options Microsoft network server: Server SPN target name validation level Off = 0 Accept if provided by client = 1 Required from client = 2 Registry: HKLM SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services LanmanServer Parameters smbservernamehardeninglevel After adding the additional security step of disabling SMBv1, we had no issues on Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Server 2012, or Server 2012 R2. However, when we disabled SMBv1 on Server 2016 (Remove-WindowsFeature FS-SMB1), all SMB shares broke, no shares were accessible from any Windows clients, instead of connecting to the share, a credential pop-up box is presented and even valid credentials don’t work. The error logged is: Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Security Event ID: 551 Description: SMB Session Authentication Failure A process has requested access to an object, but has not been granted those access rights.

In a SYN flood attack, the attacker sends a continuous stream of SYN packets to a server, and the server leaves the half-open connections open until it is overwhelmed and is no longer able to. Low Outdated or unused accounts must be removed from the system or disabled. Outdated or unused accounts provide penetration points that may go undetected.

Maintaining an audit trail of system activity logs can help identify configuration errors, troubleshoot service disruptions, and analyze compromises that have occurred, as well as detect attacks. Medium Unauthorized accounts must not have the Take ownership of files or other objects user right. Inappropriate granting of user rights can provide system, administrative, and other high-level capabilities. Accounts with the 'Take ownership of files or other objects' user right can take.

Thanks for the comment! Update: a particular user running 10.11.6 says she needs to reconnect every morning. Update 2: apparently this particular user is having to reconnect to BOTH our OS X 10.11.6 AFP share and Windows server every morning. We haven't had that sort of issue with the normal smb mounts although we have some issues with home directories on logon or after sleep. I created an automator workflow that auto reconnects. We have two sites and two different servers which made it a little complicated but I have it programed to find the right server. Anyways it kind of looks like this: Pause (10 seconds) Get Specified Server (this is where you put the SMB mount) connect to servers If you have a similar setup to us and ARD I can give you the more complicated version.

The first task is to classify the types of network traffic so that policies can be applied. When using hardware QoS, there is a limit of eight classifications of traffic; there is no such limitation when using software QoS. For example, you might create an iSCSI type classification and a Live Migration type classification. The good news is that the PowerShell modules that are used to create the classifications have a number of built-in classifications that include the most common types of traffic (i.e., iSCSI, NFS, SMB, Live Migration, SMB Directory, and Wild Card, which covers everything else). If you need other classifications, you can create your own filters. After the data is classified, you can create and apply policies to control the allocated bandwidth.

Once we patch cluster nodes with all windows updates (till Oct 2018), we see that while writing files work that used to complete in milliseconds before windows updates now takes 4 minutes and 20 seconds (approximately) every time. Does not matter small file or large file is written. If we install SMBv1 issue still exists if “Continuous Availability” is enabled. If we remove CA then issue goes away. If SMBv1 is removes, does not matter if CA is enabled or not, issue would exist. If we choose to access file share without cluster name being involved e.g. IPofActiveNode E$ SharedFolder then issue is not observed but defeats purpose of clustering.

Go to Policies > root. Right-click Maintenance Policies. Select Create Maintenance Policy. Note This policy is recommended for virtualization servers even if they do have local disks. Flexibility is a key component of virtualization, so it is best to have configurations as loosely tied to physical hardware as possible. By not making provision for local disks and SAN booting, you ensure that moving the profile to another system will not create an environment that will lose something as it moves. Select the Servers tab on the left of the window.

For example, maybe a desired configuration setting is to ensure that all physical servers are able to be remotely managed. When the image is configured according to customer policy, the Microsoft sysprep utility can be run against this image to prepare it for use as a Clone.

Medium The Kerberos policy user ticket renewal maximum lifetime must be limited to 7 days or less. This setting determines the period of time (in days) during which a user's TGT may be renewed. This security configuration limits the amount of time an attacker has to crack the TGT and gain access. Medium The Kerberos user ticket lifetime must be limited to 10 hours or less. In Kerberos, there are 2 types of tickets: Ticket Granting Tickets (TGTs) and Service Tickets.

Modern versions of Tripwire require the purchase of licenses in order to use it. The Tripwire management console can be very helpful for managing more complex installations. This setting is configured by group policy object at: Computer Configuration Administrative Templates Windows Components Remote Desktop Services Remote Desktop Session Host Security This policy object should be configured as below: • Set client connection encryption level — High • Require use of specific security layer for remote (RDP) connections — SSL (TLS 1.0) • Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication — Enabled • Open the Display Properties control panel. • Select the Screen Saver tab. • Select a screen saver from the list.

Ensure the server is selected under Servers, and under Teams select Tasks and click on New Team. Enter the Team Name - I used the creative name of 'Team1' - then simply select the NICs you want to include in your team (minimum of two).

Medium The system must be configured to audit System - IPsec Driver successes. Maintaining an audit trail of system activity logs can help identify configuration errors, troubleshoot service disruptions, and analyze compromises that have occurred, as well as detect attacks. Medium The system must be configured to require case insensitivity for non-Windows subsystems.

1.2 Is the target a DFS path or not? Yes, go to 1.2.1 No, go to 1.2.2.

Feedback and more information As always, we would love to hear feedback from you via comments on this blog or the. Please see these links below for more information • • •.

Low The system must be configured to prevent the display of the last username on the logon screen. Displaying the username of the last logged on user provides half of the userid/password equation that an unauthorized person would need to gain access. The username of the last user to log on to. Low The print driver installation privilege must be restricted to administrators. Allowing users to install drivers can introduce malware or cause the instability of a system. Print driver installation should be restricted to administrators. Low The system must limit how many times unacknowledged TCP data is retransmitted.

The reddit for Mac Professionals. Please keep all content and discussions professional. Community Resources • • • • ##osx-server on • • • • Useful Tools • - Make OS images • - Third-party update retrieval • - Manage AutoPkg with a GUI • - Mac imaging • - OS.pkg installer • - User creation.pkg • - Reposado GUI • - Software Update deployment • - Manage Munki with a GUI • - Munki reporting • - Easily do stuff at login/boot • - Advanced packaging Tool • - Cache Apple software updates • - Package Analyzer.

PKU2U is a peer-to-peer authentication protocol. This setting prevents online identities from authenticating to domain-joined systems. Authentication will be centrally managed with Windows user.

We have another subnet in 192.168.4 /24 for the computer Lab and I think we might create a few more soon enough for cameras, although we are all in the same building, all behind the same firewall/content filter. We do not intend to serve anything outside the school/community as we are way up north under limited satellite telecom for now.

I have to say. Mac SMB and Windows SMB do not play well at all. I have tried multiple fixes to no avail.

The software not only backs up individual virtualization hosts but specializes in backing up the virtual servers. Figure 4: Free backups for virtual servers with Veeam Backup Free Edition. Figure 5: Hyper-V replicas let you replicate virtual servers between hosts. This step launches a wizard, in which you specify how to replicate the selected server from the source host to the target server. The virtual server on the source server will remain the same.

Also this broadcast application is very sensitive to latency switch back to SMB1.0 did not show this negotiation. Now years later I need to reinvest in a new storage solution and are not sure if the problem is realy related to the SMB level. Can It also be a problem of oplocks? When I talk to the vendor of the software which is DALET, a well used vendor in the Video and audio play out and MAM systems, the say to are using the standard MS libraries ( C# and C++ ) to write there appications, so they do not interveen in the client to server comms. I would very much like to change to server 2016 and S2D for my next storage project.

Since we also offer a SQL alternative to ISAM, we always recommend that our clients use that instead which is not affected by these issues. Some of our smaller clients, who are more price-sensitive or lack the necessary IT skills/resources, prefer our ISAM embedded database to that of SQL.

Security Options Accounts: Block Microsoft accounts This setting can be verified by auditing the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System NoConnectedUser Logon information for domain accounts can be cached locally to allow users who have previously authenticated to do so again even if a domain controller cannot be contacted. By default 10 accounts will be cached locally, but there is a risk that in the event of a compromise an attacker could locate the cached credentials and use a brute force attack to discover the passwords. Therefore, it is recommended that this value be reduced so that fewer credentials will be placed at risk, and credentials will be cached for shorter periods of time in the case of devices that are logged into frequently by multiple users. The group policy object below should be set to 4 or fewer logins: Computer Configuration Windows Settings Security Settings Local Policies Security Options Interactive logon: Number of previous logons to cache (in case domain controller is not available) The Account Logon audit policy logs the results of validation tests of credentials submitted for user account logon requests. The server that is authoritative for the credentials must have this audit policy enabled. For domain member machines, this policy will only log events for local user accounts. Configure the group policy object below to match the listed audit settings.

That fixed the issue but not the root cause. Some time ago we implemented for a LANMAN issue in Server 2012 R2, but it was given to me by my boss to do - he can't recall the KB or directive to install it. Apparently this is the second time this happened; I was on vacation for the first. Anyone have any insight?

I have tried multiple fixes to no avail. Has anyone found 100% success fixing these issues.

I tested: After re-enabling SMB1, the network drive mapping worked again without any problems. Kind regards, Gerd.

It focuses on security features such as script signing, lack of executable extensions, and execution policies (which are restricted by default). For anyone who needs to automate administration tasks on a Windows system or a Microsoft platform, PowerShell provides a much-needed injection of power. As such, for Windows systems administrators or scripters, becoming a PowerShell expert is highly recommended.

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