Word For Mac 2011 Make 2 Horizontal Columns

• Options: Displays the Border and Shading options dialog that lets you adjust margin and placement of your border. • Horizontal Line: Displays an Open dialog that lets you choose a picture of a line to use as your border’s line style.

For example, consider a standard 8.5' x 11' document with 1' margins on all four sides in which you would like to center some text. Taking off 2' for your left and right margin, the width of your page is 6.5'. The halfway mark, then, would be at 3.25'. • Click the button until it shows the Center Tab Stop symbol. • Click in the ruler at 3.25'. • Type whatever you'd like and admire the formatting!

Select the “Line Between” option to have Word put a vertical line between columns. And now, on to actually adjusting the column width. If you want your columns to all stay the same width as one another, you can just adjust the number in the “Width” box for column #1.

*Alternatively, after selecting the text you want to justify, you can right-click it (control-click on a Mac) and select Paragraph. In the Paragraph dialog box, select the Indents and Spacing tab and, from the Alignment drop-down list, select Justified. The above instructions were adapted from the following articles: • • • • • •.

Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac: Formatting Your Research Paper using APA Style. Table of Contents. How to remove adobe from mac. Last updated 6/20/12 2 Microsoft Word (Mac) 2011: Formatting Your Research Paper using APA Style. Click on the left-hand header column and type the words Running head followed by a colon and a space.

By In Office 2011 for Mac, Excel’s simple Paste option handles most of your ordinary pasting requirements, but it’s a one-shot deal — you can choose only a single option. On the other hand, the Paste Special feature in Excel 2011 for Mac lets you pick and choose exactly what individual or combination of attributes you want to paste. • Select the cell or cell range to copy and choose Edit→Copy. • Click in the cell where you want to paste and then choose Edit→Paste Special. • In the Paste section of the dialog, select the option that you need.

True False • file management → Organizing files in folders. True False • common dialogs → performs actions such as opening and saving files. True False • lion → Newest version of the Mac OS X operating system. True False • Mac OS X v10.7 Lion → Available when using Lion or any program running under Lion. True False • Print Layout view → used to position this content on the slide. True False • ribbon → Newest version of the Mac OS X operating system. True False • Home tab → the tab currently displayed.

However, in constraining yourself to Word 2011, you are ending up with a whole lot of things that Mac Word 2011 does not have. The first one is: With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) Try: Application.Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen) Better: #If Mac Then With Application.Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen) #Else With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker).Title = 'Select image files and click OK'.Filters.Add 'Images', '*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.bmp; *.tif; *.png'.FilterIndex = 2 #End If Which does a conditional compile depending on whether we are running on a Mac or a PC. Then: Position:=wdCaptionPositionBelow, ExcludeLabel:=False The ExcludeLabel argument does not exist on the Mac: take it out.

As for the Switch Row/Column button [also in the Switch Plot control in the Data group of the Charts tab of the Ribbon], the only time I've seen it dimmed is if insufficient/inaccurate data is in the dialog. In order to offer anything more definite we need to have a much fuller description of the data, how it's arranged, as well as a more complete understanding of what you're attempting to plot. Please mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to keep list as clean as possible ☺ Regards, Bob J.

• A FileMaker Pro database file. • Advanced users can use ODBC and VBA to connect to practically any data source, including Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. If you don’t have a data table, the New Data Source option lets you make a data table from scratch in a new Word document using a series of dialogs. This option is fine for small databases up to a few thousand records. Choosing fields for a mail merge data source When you choose New Data Source, you’re presented with the Create Data Source dialog.

Word for Mac OS X • From the Format menu, select Document. • Select the Layout tab. • From the Vertical alignment menu, select Justified, and then click OK. Changing the horizontal alignment Note: Because the last line of text in a paragraph is often shorter than the other lines, it may not appear to be justified. To justify the last line in a justified paragraph, place the insertion point at the end of the last line, and then press Shift-Enter ( Shift-Return on a Mac).

First you need to be be familiar with the different tab stop symbols: Symbol Tab Stop Type Left - Aligns all text with the leftmost part located at the tab stop. Center - Aligns text so that the horizontal center of the text is even with the tab stop. Right - Aligns all text with the rightmost part located at the tab stop.

Options in the Paste Special dialog change depending on what you’ve copied to the Clipboard. Copying as a picture in the first place You can easily copy a picture of an object, a cell, or a cell range, but you have to know about the secret Edit menu. Follow these steps to use the modified Edit menu: • Select a cell, a range of cells, or an object on a worksheet. • Hold down the Shift key and click the Edit menu.

• Choose Edit→Paste Special. • Select the Transpose check box and then click OK. Using Paste Special with objects in Excel 2011 for Mac If you copy an object, rather than a cell or cell range, the Paste Special dialog offers paste options appropriate to the kind of object you are pasting. Charts, tables, and pictures all have unique Paste Special options, each described within the description portion of the Paste Special dialog. You can use the Paste Special feature in Excel by using content that you copied from another open application, such as Word, PowerPoint, or even a Web browser.

• Select a destination cell. • Choose Edit→Paste Special. • Select the Transpose check box and then click OK. Using Paste Special with objects in Excel 2011 for Mac If you copy an object, rather than a cell or cell range, the Paste Special dialog offers paste options appropriate to the kind of object you are pasting. Charts, tables, and pictures all have unique Paste Special options, each described within the description portion of the Paste Special dialog. You can use the Paste Special feature in Excel by using content that you copied from another open application, such as Word, PowerPoint, or even a Web browser. Options in the Paste Special dialog change depending on what you’ve copied to the Clipboard.


This content has been, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Resources linked from this page may no longer be available or reliable. To space text evenly on the page in Microsoft Word, follow the appropriate instructions below. On this page: • • • • • • Changing the vertical alignment Word 2010 and 2007 for Windows • From the Page Layout tab, open the Page Setup. Dialog box (using the button in the lower right corner of the Page Setup group). • Select the Layout tab. • In the 'Vertical alignment:' box, select Justified, and then click OK.

• Rest the pointer on any corner of the table until appears, and then drag the table boundary until the table is the size that you want. Change the row height in a table • Rest the pointer on the row boundary that you want to move until appears, and then drag the boundary until the row is the height that you want. If you have text in a table cell, the row must be the same height or taller than the text.

Copying as a picture in the first place You can easily copy a picture of an object, a cell, or a cell range, but you have to know about the secret Edit menu. Follow these steps to use the modified Edit menu: • Select a cell, a range of cells, or an object on a worksheet. • Hold down the Shift key and click the Edit menu.

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