Word For Mac Applescript Doesn't Turn On

Also, for this file the small data icon in finder shows some text as indicating 'not en empty document' when saved with apple script, in bash file myDocumentSavedWithApplescirpt says Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract i get this result for all documents i save with applescript. However, for some it works out well, but some documents cant be opened after saved with applescript. Word says (translated' 'the open xml-file 'myDocument' can not be opened because the content causes problems Details: no errordetails available' when i save this document from word as doc document i get the 'normal' bash file info and everything is okay. I have no influence of how the word documents are created since they are created from our onlinesoftware as html files. How can i use applescript to save word documents exactly like word do it when using save as?

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(My own “Address Word Letter” and “Print Tasks Lists” scripts do just that, for example.) Or perhaps you want to run a script from the OS X script menu. Calling Installed Macros If you use Word macros, and have some installed in your own templates and documents, you can use do Visual Basic from an external AppleScript simply to call the installed macro with a one-line Run command in VBA. For example, if you have installed a macro called MyProcedure() in your Normal template, or in a template in the Office/Startup/Word folder in Microsoft Office X or 2001 or 98 folder, or in the active document (the front one that has the focus) in Word, you can just call it by quoted name, without its following parentheses: tell application 'Microsoft Word' do Visual Basic 'Application.Run 'MyProcedure ' end tell If the macro is in your Normal template only, you don't even need ' Application.Run'. You can simply call it by name alone, without internal backslashed quotes: tell application 'Microsoft Word' do Visual Basic 'MyProcedure' end tell When the macro is not in Normal template, you must include Application.Run. If it is in a template in the Word Startup folder, you do not need to open the template. If the macro is in an open document 'Other Document.doc' which might not be in the front, you need to ensure it is the active document first: tell application 'Microsoft Word' do Visual Basic 'Documents( 'Other Document.doc ').Activate Application.Run 'MyProcedure ' end tell As you can see, internal VBA quoting can present a bit of a challenge, since quotes have to be escaped with backslashes ( ) as usual in AppleScript.

I consider myself a slightly above average scripter, especially with AppleWorks. It just so happens that there are about a half dozen top notch scripters that check into MacScripter along with a couple hundred average types like myself. It is a great forum for more involved scripting issues, which I believe this may very well be.

AppleScript is a scripting language created by Apple Inc. That facilitates automated control over scriptable Mac applications.First introduced in System 7, it is currently included in all versions of macOS as part of a package of system automation tools. The term 'AppleScript' may refer to the language itself, to an individual script written in the language, or, informally, to the macOS Open.

Free ftp client for mac osx. I am looking for 'the' best FREE FTP client I) for MacOS 7.5.5 with OpenTransport 1.3 ( important for me, as this is the freely downloadable MacOS version!!!) II) for newer MacOS versions (7.6.1, 8.x, 9.x ), but not for MacOS-X both for 68K and PPC as 1) best freeware 2) best non-crippled non-expiring shareware ( so which can be used without registration ) both as a) classical command line version b) simple GUI version, also as combination of a GUI script in AppleScript and an underlaying FTP client, but in this case the FTP client AND the script must be free!

This means the text is uncompiled, and your script is not ready to run. To prepare it to run, click Compile (or press ⌘K or the Enter key). Now that you've compiled it, the font and color of the text will have changed. This means Script Editor has recognized the word you typed as an AppleScript command and is ready to run the script.

If the handler returns a non-numeric value, the rate is not changed. You can return 0 to maintain the default delay of 30 seconds. For example, when saved as a stay-open application, the following script beeps every 5 seconds. On idle set x to 10 beep set x to x * 6 -- The handler returns the result (60).

If your Mac doesn't appear to turn on, it's possible that the computer is turning on but the display isn't working. To see if it's a display issue,. Then check for these signs that your Mac is turning on, even if the display remains dark: • You might hear a startup chime. • You might hear fan or drive noise. • If your Mac has an LED sleep indicator, it might turn on. • If your Mac notebook has a backlit keyboard, it might turn on.

To enforce the previous behavior, add an explicit considering case statement. You can get and set the current value of the text item delimiters property. Normally, AppleScript doesn’t use any delimiters. For example, if the text delimiters have not been explicitly changed, the statement. Tell application 'Finder' version --result: '10.5.1' version of AppleScript --result: '2.0' end tell current application Constant The current application constant refers to the application that is executing the current AppleScript script (for example, Script Editor).

• Word will ask if you want to replace the TOC. More Word TOC Tricks Here is a link to Word TOC resource that might helpful to those of you who want to more fully customize your TOC in Word.

• Tools>AutoCorrect, all tabs • Word>Preferences, all tabs (on Windows: Tools>Options) • Tools>Customize, Options tab You’ll find more information below. Explore the dialogs and experiment with the settings. These three main locations are valid for all versions, although the exact settings that are available may change, and occasionally settings will move from one dialog to another across versions. This page doesn't tell you what the 'correct settings' are, because many of the settings are a matter of personal preference and dependent on the way you use Word.

GetPixel ( 7 ); AppleScript includes syntax for ordinal counting, 'the first paragraph', as well as cardinal, 'paragraph one'. Likewise, the numbers themselves can be referred to as text or numerically, 'five', 'fifth' and '5' are all supported; they are synonyms in AppleScript. Also, the word 'the' can legally be used anywhere in the script in order to enhance readability: it has no effect on the functionality of the script. Examples of scripts [ ] A failsafe calculator.

Click to expand.Now Ric, don't get yourself all excited about my offering up MacScripter.net. I consider myself a slightly above average scripter, especially with AppleWorks.

If it has a startup screen, the user must click the Run button or press the Return key before the script actually runs. Consider the following simple script. Tell application 'Finder' close front window end tell What this script does as a script application depends on what you specify when you save it.

• Breen, Christopher (2010-05-07)..com. Retrieved 2017-05-08.

Murphy is using a Mail rule. He sends himself an email with a subject Mail is watching for. Mail runs the script whenever a message with that subject comes in.

This reviewer has just been turned down for promotion, missed a big grant, and got some bad gas station coffee. We want to isolate that reviewer, not mix in the grumpy comments with the good. That got me thinking. Doesn't Microsoft now use an open standard, (OOXML), for all of their documents?

You can edit Ribbon XML by using familiar, which remains available only on Windows. Will these updates be pushed as part of the auto-update process? These updates will be pushed to all customers using Microsoft Auto Updater. Is the structure of the XML file the same as that for Office for Windows? Yes, Office 2016 for Mac ribbon reads customizations from CustomUI.xml and CustomUI14.xml. Will the Office 2016 for Mac ribbon load the XML from both files, CustomUI.xml and CustomUI14.xml?


On the far right, there are four abbreviated words: REC TRK EXT OVR, each with a small circle to their left. If you click the OVR word, its circle will turn green and you will write over text until you again click the OVR box. I searched and searched online and couldn't find info because the word -- overtype -- was not in my personal vocabulary, so I didn't search for it. [ robg adds: Yes, this is a simple hint on a somewhat-obvious feature. But it's one that I actually get asked a fair bit by PC switchers, as the Mac doesn't have an Insert key as such (the Clear key will provide that functionality when booted into Windows on an Intel Mac, however.

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