How Much Bechamel For A Pound Of Mac

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For this recipe, we went with the first option (it’s how our Moms make it and, in our opinion, a little easier). There are definitely two camps.

How Much Does A Pound Of Mac And Cheese Feed

Basic bechamel is made of milk, thickened with flour and butter; add grated cheese to create Mornay sauce -- the key to creamy, crowd-pleasing mac and cheese. This recipe is adapted from the 'Martha Stewart's Cooking School' cookbook. Basically, they're telling you that you'll get 14 covers from a pound of pasta -- which is how much I use to make a 9 x 13 pan. Sorry dudes and dudesses, but I don't think so. 25 covers per pan doesn't make senxe either.

Reread the original post!!!! Point being that 'someone' said that they use 5 lbs for 100 peeps and shortly after posting again they use 5 lbs for 50 peeps!! 'HOW DOES THAT WORK'! I think thats the jist of the post, imho Ranucci's Big Butt BBQ Super Pro Joined: 25 May 2006 Posts: 1219 Location: Charlotte, NC Posted: Tue Sep 29 09 8:16 pm Post subject: Simple Mike, my question was and still is, how do you feed 5lbs of pasta to 100 people? If you know how please tell me.

Transfer dish to a wire rack for about 5 minutes, then serve.

Again Thank you Thank you Thank you. Now i finally have my favorite Grandchildren asking for VEGETABLES!! God Bless you. April Lewis London ONTARIO CANADA.

Your dad (and Dan, and SoEzzy) answered your question Alex. Just to re-cap: the general consensus seems to be 8-10 pounds of pasta plus other ingredients. Your point then is? _________________ BBQMAN 'I Turned A Hobby Into A Business'. Providing 'IMHO' Since 2005. Louie3 BBQ Super Pro Joined: 04 Aug 2007 Posts: 1407 Posted: Tue Sep 29 09 7:09 pm Post subject: BBQMAN wrote: Ranucci's Big Butt wrote: I use around 11 lbs of pasta for 100 people.

I thought it was a bit much on the sauce too although it does thicken a bit on setting for a few minutes. Sopping up the “extra” sauce with a nice slab of bread is heart stopping goodness:-) When done slowly, the sauce is velvety smooth and delicious. I substituted 8 oz of smoked Gouda for 8 oz of cheddar and WOW – sooooo good. The American cheese does add a nice creaminess to the sauce – I used Land O’ Lakes yellow from the deli as well. Thanks for the inspiration for this one – never going back to the box again • I have a.: Comment •.

The best part is that the ingredients are everyday essentials, with no niche stuff like evaporated milk or sodium citrate or something. And it's better than all the other 'easy' mac and cheese recipes out there. I actually regret learning how to do this because it's so addicting. It scales perfectly and everything can be eyeballed to make an amazing product.

Whisk: For making a proper roux and ensuring a creamy sauce. Large spoon: For mixing in the pasta and evenly coating. Baked Mac and Cheese with Broiled Tomatoes For this remix of the beloved tomato soup and grilled cheese combo, slice 3 Roma tomatoes into thick rounds, drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil, and season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Broil until tomatoes start to brown, about 8 minutes; let cool slightly. Prepare 12 ounces cavatappi per step 1; toss with cheese sauce from step 3 and 1/4 cup pasta water. Transfer to an 8-inch baking dish.

Mixing cheeses is both practical, if you’re trying to use up your cheese drawer, and delicious: Each wedge brings a different note of creaminess, gooeyness, or saltiness to the dish. Be wary of ultra strong cheeses such as brie, blue, or goat; they will overpower the dish.

I love LOVE white sauce, but had pulled away from it about 4 years ago when I discovered I have Celiacs disease:-( Since then I’ve been able to adjust a bit and make it with a rice flour blend, so that’s been encouraging. I can’t wait to try your recipe with my flour substitute! I wanted to mention something that I recently tried that I saw floating around on Pinterest and I was pleasantly surprised by how good it tasted and how easy it was! It’s called “Miracle Mac N’ Cheese” and it really is amazing! All of the boxed GF mac n’ cheese I’ve tried have been pretty awful, but I followed the recipe for the Miracle Mac N’ Cheese using GF Barilla Pasta and it came out great!

After dinner, as I was putting leftovers away, the pasta was coated with the sauce but slightly drylike a baked mac n cheese, which is not my favorite. So, because this dish is going to be out on a buffet for at least a few hours during the party, I want it to be at its maximum creaminess even after it cools down. I’m sure I will not be disappoint. I have looked for years for a good, homemade mac n cheese recipe, and now I can stop looking. This is going in my recipe book. Made this today for a party.

Learn somethin new everyday. Dan, that looks like a really good place to start, verified by Ed (who would argue pasta weights with a guy named Ranucchi! ) By the time you add in cheese, milk, etc.

The Cheese There’s no room for mild cheeses, here. Our standby is sharp white cheddar cheese.

• Make Ahead: Mac and Cheese can be made 1 day ahead and chilled. • Baked macaroni and cheese also freezes well. Let it cool completely on a rack before freezing, and then wrap it very well with foil (we use two layers). Defrost the frozen macaroni overnight in the refrigerator and then bake at 350 degrees F for about 1 hour.

I’d much rather have creamy, smooth ambrosia, which this delivers in spades. Often the oven baked iteration is dry, or at least driER. This has a great sauce-to-macaroni ratio, meaning the pasta is dripping with it. Last month, I tried a crockpot version on a popular blog, that drew rave reviews.

But timed the cooking of the flour/ butter exactly and did not have any curdling or grainy-ness which I’ve had trouble mastering in the past!3. SAUCE-PASTA RATIO: I made 2 lbs for a BBQ and since reviewers said it was too much sauce I listened and doubled the pasta but left the rest of the recipe as is. If serving immediately this is a great method! HOWEVER, in the likely event you’re waiting a bit and leaving this in the oven on low to stay warm (covered) which I imagine most people making that much pasta are doing- DOUBLE the cheese sauce recipe as well as the pasta (or for 1 lb, leave recipe exactly as written).

I made it the same day, followed the recipe to the letter, and it was dreadful! Totally grainy and flavorless. I so want to try your recipe, Michelle. Is it really, really, REALLY as good as it looks in your gorgeous photos? I’m sick about all the ingredients I wasted using’s recipe. I think I’m going to chance it with yours, though.

This is the best Mac and Cheese recipe I’ve tried! Consistently good and very easy!

I am not a seasoned caterer like you guys so I was just wondering how this is done. It doesn't seem like you could pull it off but I may be wrong, hence the question. _________________ Alex Ranucci's Big Butt BBQ Display posts from previous: -> All times are GMT + 8 Hours Page 1 of 1 Jump to: You cannot post new topics in this forum You cannot reply to topics in this forum You cannot edit your posts in this forum You cannot delete your posts in this forum You cannot vote in polls in this forum.

Then I mix the macaroni into the sauce right in the instapotbest thing about this is I can leave it on ‘keep warm low” while I go out and by the time I get back with the kids it is still warm and delicious and ready to eat! Perfect for making while the littles nap and then enjoying when we get home after an afternoon at the park!

Next time will have real bacon and perhaps some chopped up green onions as options as well. This will definitely be a go-to recipe in our household. I have never made homemade mac and cheese. I love it but my spouse does not. When I saw this recipe I decided to give it a try – and it was the best mac and cheese I have ever eaten and the only mac and cheese I will make from now on! I also added some cubed ham to it (about a pound and a half, cubed into bite size pieces) and made it our main course for dinner.

25 covers per pan doesn't make senxe either. And speaking of nonsense, the whole 8 oz thing Pete said they say doesn't work unless their mac is very, very creamy and wet.

Not dry like other recipes. The parmesan cheese just makes it that much more flavorful as well. I make this for every holiday and will be making it this Thanksgiving and Christmas as well. Made this tonight, and split the recipe in half. I forgot to buy the soup, so I made it without, and also used heavy cream since that is what I had on hand.

So, here’s what we’ve concluded: use warm milk and, more importantly, while adding the milk to the butter-flour mixture, add slowly and constantly whisk. Here’s another!

My mom had seconds, and kept taking small spoonfuls until she probably had thirds, lol. My mom doesn’t care for leftovers, but as I was cleaning the kitchen, she said “be sure you have enough to take home, but if there’s enough, leave me some”. Oh, there was plenty, for both of us.

The cooking times might be a little different and you may need slightly more or less liquid. (Image credit: ) Your Patience Will Be Rewarded This macaroni and cheese will look milky, watery, and very un-cheesy right up until the last 30 minutes, but then the remaining liquid gets rapidly absorbed into the pasta and the casserole almost magically firms up. The pasta will seem soft and chewy before this happens, so waiting the extra half-hour involves some trust. Every slow cooker is a little different, so the total cooking time will vary. The first time you make this recipe, plan on being home toward the end of cooking so you can keep an eye on things. Starting at the two-hour mark, check the casserole every 20 to 30 minutes.

Three years ago. • Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the box, then drain; set aside. • In a large Dutch oven or saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the flour and whisk to combine, then cook for 1 to 2 minutes, whisking constantly, until the mixture is a light golden brown color and beginning to emit a nutty smell.

I love this recipe! I much prefer a creamy mac and cheese over the baked ones. The only thing that was wrong with it was it was a little gritty but that is just lack of stirring the flour butter mixture correctly not the fault of the recipe at all total user error. When i reheated the left overs i just added a little bit of milk to the bowl and it was nice an d creamy and soupy again.

And I have always gone by that.Rule???? Works for me, but I also don't really weigh the portions, I just give a good scoop or just put it out for a buffet line. Thanks Ed, I didn't know what a Lb weighed out at. Learn somethin new everyday. _________________ The only thing consistant in BBQ is, it is always the Judges fault!

He said it tasted like the school’s mac & cheese, and apparently that’s a compliment! I definitely recommend giving this recipe a try! I have easily doubled this recipe and it’s worked perfectly so I’m sure increasing the ratios as written will work just fine. I would suggest making about 6x the recipe and dividing it over the 2 pans.

Best Answer Most containers will give the approximate number of servings, as well as the number of servings in the container. Say the size of the box is 16 oz. And the number of servings is 8,with serving size being 1/2 cup.

With this you can figure the results you need. In this case, 16 oz. (total weight);8 servings per container; 1/2 cup per serving. So, if there is 8 servings in 16 oz. Is a serving, and 2 oz. Equils 1/2 cup.

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Then beat the powder into the water. Cook the sauce over a medium heat until thick, stirring frequently to prevent lumping or scorching.

This is my go-to recipe. I don’t follow it EXACT, but 90% I do. I’ve tried hundreds of Mac & cheese recipes, and this is by FAR the best base recipe I’ve ever used so am keeping it. I add 8 oz of cream cheese and it really adds flavor!!

Hey guys and girls I was approached by someone at my church to make Mac N Cheese for 150. Its for the family of an elderly woman who died. I was planning to make the recipe from Lady and Son's which my family really enjoys. I just dont know for sure how much to make.any thoughts? Its just going to be a side dish. There will be roasted chicken, veggies, salad and probably dessert going with it. I guess i just need to know how much pasta to make.I've done catering before but i dont think i've ever served mac n cheese as a side.

How Much Bechamel For A Pound Of Mac And Cheese

My husband, who does not like mac and cheese at all, gave it a try, ate a huge portion of it and said 2 or 3 times how much he liked it! Thank you for this recipe, it is without a doubt the best mac and cheese ever! I made this for Thanksgiving this year and it was excellent! I rarely ever comment on recipes, but had to on this one.

When I make this I’ve used regular heavy cream every time and whatever milk I have on hand and it has been great each time. I use the soup every time, I can’t imagine not using it because of how creamy and good it makes it.

#comfortFood #SoulFood •. I made this tonight, and it was AWESOME! I was afraid of it being too saucy (therefore soupy), but it was actually the perfect consistency. I think the key is really following the directions — don’t overcook the macaroni in the first step so it can still soak up some of the moisture when it bakes in the oven. Also, allowing it to rest for about 15 minutes after it comes out of the oven helps the sauce to thicken (don’t worry, it’s still plenty hot enough to eat!) I didn’t have any cream or milk on hand, so I used half-and-half for each (so 2.5 cups total). I did use the cheddar cheese soup, and I think that’s what helped keep the sauce so velvety. Some recipes I’ve tried before ended up with a clumpy sauce after it sits.

Case closed, inDEED – jackpot!! Couldn’t wait to make this, so I grabbed the first available minute today, after spending an absolutely grueling, exhausting 6 hours reading and having lunch at the beach. This is delightfully uncomplicated, back-to-basics comfort food. I’ve tried countless recipes for this classic over the decades, and found some that were really good, but not the stuff dreams are made of. I think I’ve figured out that I’m just not a fan of baked mac and cheese. It’s not that it’s bad. The crusty stuff just does nada for me.

Like many, my favorite food growing up was macaroni and cheese. I would take it any way I could get it — out of a box or made from scratch by Mom. It’s one of the first things I learned to make as a child. Mounds of cheese melted into a velvety, creamy sauce and tossed with pasta. It’s heavenly. Below, you’ll notice we share a bunch of tips from our experiences in our kitchen. With only about 15 minutes of hands-on time this is perfect for a weekday.

Ready for a little magic in your dinner? Let's take a look at how this macaroni and cheese can be yours. Easy Mac and Cheese from the Slow Cooker This recipe makes a casserole-style macaroni and cheese with a sturdy (but still creamy!) texture that can be sliced into squares.

The milk is added to our “roux” or butter-flour paste. There’s a lot of talk about whether to use hot or cold milk when making macaroni and cheese. Julia Child says hot milk — we’re not usually in the camp of disagreeing with Julia. With that said, there are quite a few arguments out there that pushes for cold milk. The theory on both sides arereally to prevent lumps in the final sauce. We’ve made the sauce both ways and haven’t been able to find a winner.

Almond) 1/2 c. Coconut - optional (x 5 = 2-1/2 c. Flaked coconut) 1 large can mandarin oranges, drained (x 5 = 5 cans) 2 cans fruit cocktail, drained (x 5 = 10 cans) 3-5 c. Miniature marshmellows (x 5 - use 2 bags) Whip the cream, sugar & extracts until very stiff peaks. Fold in fruit & marshmellows and chill. These are both family favorites, and I make them for Easter each year, and whenever we all BBQ.

That's important with this macaroni and cheese since we're baking it in the oven, something that can cause other, less well-mannered sauces to separate. Best mac for recording music 2015 reddit. (Image credit: ) Step 3: Bake Until Bubbly And at last, we've arrived at our mac and cheese endgame. Mix the cheesy sauce into the cooked pasta, pour that mess into a dish, top it with some bread crumbs (I like panko), and bake it until crispy on top and bubbly below. Get ready for some of the best stuff on earth. Don't want to wait for the macaroni and cheese to bake? I don't blame you. And you don't have to!

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